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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Sponsoring Consumatron Without Money

Bloggers have been so conditioned to think that sponsorship has to mean monetary or material compensation for their incessant typing. I'm here to say, "yeah, it'd be nice if you tossed a few bucks my way, but I'm not stupid enough to have started blogging with hopes of making it rich." There are several other ways that you can help me out. The spirit of sponsorship isn't blingin' me out, but liking what I do enough to spread the word and increase my reach. Here are just a few of the ways you can help:
  • Visit Consumatron.com / Consumatron.net - This seems obvious, but an actual visit to the site will encourage interactivity, comments and advertisers by increasing my traffic. Reading me on a feed is great, but in an age where the internet comes to you, the minimal extra effort it takes to actually visit a website speaks volumes about my work.
  • Subscribe to feeds: Consumatron.com / Consumatron.net - Upping my subscriber numbers is another way to spread the good word and attract others.
  • Subscribe to/Comment on The Consumatron Minute on these video sharing sites: Revver, Blip.tv, Vimeo, YouTube.
  • Link to Consumatron on your blog/website (word of mouth is still the best word of mouth)
  • Tell your friends about me in your daily life (the internet isn't a secret... talk!)
  • Participate in The Forum
  • Most importantly... Comment on the posts... I'll keep doing this until I get bored, but it's a lot more fun when I know people are actually reading.
No matter what you do... Thank you! You're here reading this and I appreciate it.


Sponsoring Consumatron With Money

Wow... You've entertained the idea of giving me your hard earned money. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. Thank you! There are a few ways you can do this:

$5.00 + Hotlink Special: Anyone who donates $5.00 or more to Consumatron will be able to have a text message (with hypertext link to the site of their choice) displayed on the right-hand sidebar of Consumatron.com or Consumatron.net (your choice). When you donate $5.00 or more, I will personally contact you for the text and link information. Messages can be no longer than 50 characters in length (including spaces) and must not contain anything threatening, libelous or otherwise illegal.

A maximum of three messages/links will remain on the site at any one time. Messages/links will appear on the day following the donation date and will stay on the site until another message/link is purchased. If more than three messages/links are purchased on any one day, messages/links will be put in a queue and will be put in place of the existing message/link after it has been on the site for a period of at least 24 hours. All messages/links will remain on the site for a minimum of 24 hours. All messages/links will be erased from the site on Saturday at twelve O'Clock noon. Any donations made on a Friday will see their message/link posted to the site on the following Monday.

Please note: No websites containing pornographic/harmful material (as judged by me) will be linked to.

Rules are subject to change at any time per my discretion.
