Mythos Beer (12 oz. bottle)

Location Purchased: Nine Muses Cafe & Bar / 315 S. Halsted St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.38 + tax
Review: Heineken Brewery was founded in 1864 while Mythos Brewery was founded in 1970. Sorry Mythos, but you're about one hundred years too late. Not to knock Heineken (I enjoy Heineken), but if you are going to produce a beer that will be heavily exported to other countries to represent your culture's brewing expertise, why would you simply mimic a normal, run of the mill straw colored pilsner? I can probably name a green bottled beer for each finger and none of them taste all that different. Mild, refreshing and a minor, yet varying, bitterness. Mythos is probably the mildest of all of the greenies I have tried, but by no means is anything special.
The more important question is why all beer that comes in a green bottle happens to be a mild, refreshing beer with mild, yet varying, bitterness? Is there some kind of alcoholic beverage global law that makes this a requirement? If anyone has an answer, please let me know, because I haven't been able to find anything.
The best part about drinking a green bottle beer in Chicago's Greektown on a Wednesday night is that Nine Muses had a half-off special on all drinks. The usual $4-6 dollars you pay for a Heineklone is pretty ridiculous, but at three bucks and change, you can't go wrong.
Rating: 3.5 / 5
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