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Saturday, December 16, 2006

15 Fresh Sea Scallops from Whole Foods

Item Purchased: 15 Fresh Sea Scallops from Whole Foods
Location Purchased: Whole Foods Market / 1000 W. North Ave. / Chicago, IL 60622
Price: $42.30 + tax

Review: I'd like to invite everyone to my next dinner party where I will be serving ramen noodles and Safeway brand soda in the can.

Holy jeez these scallops were expensive! $22.00/lb. But this dinner party was special. This was my non-holiday, pre-holiday dinner party, so I had to go all out... In honor of those people who don't feel comfortable with any holiday (me), but extremely comfortable with good seafood (me again).

I almost bought my scallops from Dominick's, but when compared to the selection at Whole Foods, Dominick's scallops looked like fleshy marbles in a bucket of sewer water. In the scallop world, mine were professional wrestlers, politicians or both. These suckers were big! Each one measured nearly three inches across pre-pan and two inches post-pan. After smothering them in a lemon vermouth sauce and bacon fat, these scallops were not only big, but famous. Even Theresa, who hates seafood, liked them!

So my question is, when will the investors come crawling out of the woodwork to pay for my own restaurant? Or maybe they could just cover my grocery bill for my dinner parties.

Whole foods offers fantastic fresh foodstuffs at a price that is set to attract people who know nothing about food and base quality on price. For the most part, Whole foods succeeds in backing their prices up with quality. These scallops are just one example. The flesh of the scallops was a healthy white rather than the sickly gray-pink hue most grocery store scallops have. I wouldn't buy these every week (even if I did have the money), but for special occasions, this is a fair price for quality seafood.

Rating: 4.25 / 5

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