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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dominick's Lower Sodium Sliced Bacon (1 lb.)

Item Purchased: Dominick's Lower Sodium Sliced Bacon (1 lb.)
Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.72 + tax

Review: I once attempted to become a vegetarian. It lasted for three weeks and I blame bacon for my relapse. Really, is there any meat more delicious than bacon? The natural cooking grease derived from heating it up... The smell that wafts through the air and hangs there like a buffet of odor when you cook it... The alternating crunch and chew of its consistency. Mmmm... Bacon.

Yes, it's a pretty disgusting, fat filled, heart-stopping product sliced from a rooting animal, but when I gave up veggie and came back to the world of consuming flesh, I was like the protagonist in Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses when he renounced his faith. I went out and bought a pile of bacon and proceeded to eat it on everything.

Now days, I rarely buy bacon to cook at home. A scallop recipe I am cooking called for two strips. What am I going to do with an extra pound of bacon? Eat it, of course.

Despite the lower sodium (note, it doesn't say "low" sodium), these plump strips of bacon are surprisingly salty. Not the best bacon I've ever had, but definitely not the worst.

Rating: / 5

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