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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Cup of Coffee from Eleven City Diner

Item Purchased: Cup of Coffee from Eleven City Diner
Location Purchased: Eleven City Diner / 1112 S. Wabash / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.70 2.25 $2.50 + tax

Review: Finally! A Chicago diner that uses Intelligentsia Coffee to keep the local businesses in... well... business and does everything right to meet my coffee standards. The Intelligentsia blend is not only a lighter roast, but Eleven City manages to keep their coffee hot instead of warm. Have you ever noticed how the waitresses at your local greasy spoon work up a sweat just by refilling your cup of coffee continuously? That's because their coffee burners are old and the circuits are fried and if the waitress didn't continuously freshen you up, your coffee would be as good as iced.

Not so at Eleven.

When I got my coffee this morning, I worked out my sugar/cream ratio, filliped the remaining sugar from the counter to the floor and took a sip. I then had enough time to finish reading the New York Times cover story about the transitional fish fossil found by scientists (as a result, I think everyone in the world stopped believing in god, by the way), flip to Gene Pitney's obituary, read half of that article, talk with the waitress who used to stop into my restaurant and finish reading the obit before taking another sip. Guess what? The coffee was hot! Not warm. Hot!

Light roast Intelligentsia at greater than room temperature? Jesus (who evolved from a fish, obviously)! Eleven City Diner needs to trip up soon or I'll still have to believe in creationism and contend that the limb-stump fish was all part of Xenu's plan. As far as breakfast joints go, so far this one is heaven-sent.

Rating: 4.25 / 5

Note (05/03/06): Price was raised to $2.25.

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