Sun Belle Greenhouse Grown Tomatoes On The Vine (14 oz.)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.99 + tax
Purchased on: 01/27/07
Review: A true testament to the quality of these particular tomatoes lies in the fact that I forgot about them. Shortly after purchasing these tomatoes, I was sent to New York City on business for four days. Add on the few days it took me to get my sleep schedule back on track and the couple more days it took me to remember that I had some tomatoes sitting on the top of my fridge, and we're talking at least a week and a half before I used these vine-ripened fruits.
Most grocery-bought tomatoes (or any tomatoes for that matter) would have gone all squishy and pear shaped by then. These tomatoes, however, only went slightly squishy.
Yes, these fruit/vegetable/things were still firm enough to chop up without having them bleed and turn to liquid immediately. I was able to fry them up and make some pretty tasty tofu tortillas with them.
Three cheers for vine ripened goodness!
Rating: 4.25 / 5
Labels: dominick's, food, tomatoes
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