Strawberry, Banana & Chocolate Crepe from Eat, Drink & Surf NetCafe

Location Purchased: Eat, Drink & Surf NetCafe / 246 East 14th St. / New York, NY
Price: $7.95 + tax
Purchased on: 02/01/07
Review: I came for the coffee... That's all.
As I do in most eateries that are new to me, I glance at the pastries and other goodies offered behind glass counters. All this place had was a few muffins and a cookie or two. When the owner saw my wandering eyes, he thrust a menu into my hands and assured me that there was more than meets the eye. "You should try the crepes!" he urged me.
I'm pretty open to suggestion when traveling and tired... so I did try the crepes.
Two crepes, to be specific, stuffed with fresh strawberries, banana slices and ooey, gooey chocolate syrup. The crepe's themselves had a natural sweetness built in and were obviously home-made. Even though I asked for no whipped cream, the owner saw deep into the bashful decadence of my soul and loaded me up anyway. Bless/damn him in the same breath.
I probably shouldn't have eaten these crepes so soon after I had eaten lunch, because once I started, I couldn't stop. This odd little ex-copy shop turned cafe comes highly recommended!
The owner assured me that the space was still in transition. There are already several internet computer stations where you can pay per minute for computer access, but the remainder of the space will be filled with couches and more comfortable lounge-style furniture soon. I'll be sure to check in the next time I'm in NYC. If for nothing else, for a crepe!
Rating: 4.5 / 5
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