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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Trader Jose's Handmade Whole Wheat Tortillas (15 oz.)

Item Purchased: Trader Jose's Handmade Whole Wheat Tortillas (15 oz.)
Location Purchased: Trader Joe's / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.49 + tax (01/23/07)

Review: Very few tortillas can be enjoyed as a snack by themselves. Usually you need some kind of filling or topping (if not an entire meal) inside of tortillas to make them count as something edible. To my surprise, I found myself happily chewing on one of these tasty food wrappers today at work when I found myself getting hungry.

Since they are hand-flattened, these tortillas are thicker than most others and have a slightly bumpy texture that makes any dish you prepare with them large enough to satisfy most. They are made with honey and have a slightly sweet flavor, which would make them the perfect wrapper for ham or turkey. At two fifty, these tortillas are a bit more expensive than most, but the comforting thought is that the extra money is going toward a laborer somewhere in Massachusetts who spends eight hours of her day flattening whole wheat bread just so you can have a tasty burrito. It's probalby not an entirely true thought, but it is comforting nonetheless.

Rating: / 5

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