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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Trader Joe's Tandori Chicken Wrap

Item Purchased: Trader Joe's Tandori Chicken Wrap
Location Purchased: Trader Joe's / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.69 + tax

Review: I almost didn't buy this wrap today because of the seemingly high price. My girlfriend then wisely pointed out that I have spent just as much on a substandard sandwich from 7-Eleven more times than I would like to admit.


Get this woman a vacation, because the paltry three bucks and change I spent on this burrito almost seems as if it isn't enough. The meal-sized fist food is expertly wrapped in a tomato tortilla, stuffed with more chicken and carrots than you'd get in a convenience store salad and mixed together with a mild cucumber sauce. The chicken isn't as spicy as something with the word 'tandori' in its name should be, but the ingredients are fresh, filling and a hell of a lot better for me than the gristly turkey I usually eat on my budget lunch days.

If only Trader Joe's and 7-Eleven would exchange their ubiquity with each other, the world (and my stomach) would be a happier place.

Rating: 4.25 / 5

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