Lunch Special (Create A Lunch) from Kohan

Location Purchased: Kohan Japanese Restaurant / 730 W. Maxwell St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $7.95 + tax
Review: Kohan has a sushi roll on their menu that goes by the name of "Awesome Sushi." I want so badly to try it, but these winter months are tough on the pocketbook, what with the gas bills and whatnot, so perhaps some other time. For now, the Tuesday and Thursday build-it-yourself lunch special will do me just fine.
Though fresh, tasty and expertly prepared, the combination of shrimp, tofu, noodles, sprouts, pea pods, and peppers I chose this week was not quite as good as the last time I purchased Kohan's special.
All of the ingredients were fresh and I hate to come down on a dish prepared by one of the friendliest restaurant staffs in Chicago, but I just couldn't get down with Kohan's peanut sauce or baby shrimp. To be fair, the waitress warned me that the shrimp was "the small kind." I appreciate that kind of forthright honesty from someone who is taking my money. It means that I will let them take my money many more times in the days to come. The peanut sauce, however, tasted a bit watery and though it's spiciness was ample, there was no significant flavor to back it up.
I will be back to Kohan again in the very near future. They do good work. I just need to realize that shrimp is something worth paying for and Japanese food is not usually known for its peanut flavor.
The tofu in this dish, however... It is absolutely fantastic!
Rating: 2.75 / 5
Labels: create a lunch, kohan, lunch, noodles
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