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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Large 16" Pan Style Pizza w/Pepperoni from Ricobene's

Item Purchased: Large 16" Pan Style Pizza w/Pepperoni from Ricobene's
Location Purchased: Ricobene's Pizzeria / 252 W. 26th St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $16.54 + tax & delivery charge

Review: I spent the day recovering from being sick and didn't leave the house much. Low on dry goods and energy, I decided to do what any red-blooded American would do (no, I didn't use a drive-through). I ordered a pizza. After a flu, this is the equivalent of rubbing dirt on an open wound in attempts to heal it, but I figured, if I could handle this, I could handle anything.

Not only could I handle it, but I found my discerning taste (along with my normal physical taste) coming back to me.

While I love Ricobene's and hold them up to be one of the five best pizzerias in Chicago, I almost called them back to complain. At first glance, I was convinced that they forgot to give me my pepperoni. Maybe it is because I grew up eating the delicacies of Tombstone and Jack's frozen pizzas where the pepperoni is a thick circle of spice bologna-like substance, but the paper-thin and sparsely applied sausage lief that came on this pizza isn't worth the extra $1.75.

I was a bit disappointed, though not discouraged completely. Since I barely ate anything yesterday, I inhaled nearly half of this large pizza and have a bit left for tomorrow morning with my cup of coffee (take that, flu!). The flaky buttery crust and slightly sweet tomato sauce I love was still present but I'll be thinking twice the next time I order out for a pepperoni pizza.

Rating: 3.25 / 5

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