Jan 5th - Weekly Buy Nothing Day

Well, today is another one of those days. No spending for me today. Instead, I'm taking stock of what I already have and enjoying the friends around me. No debts incurred.
For those of you who are new to Consumatron, or if you just need a refresher on what Buy Nothing Day is all about, you can read the Adbusters campaign site and think of me as an anti-capitalist pinko or let me give you the explain-it-to-me-like-I'm-a-three-year-old explanation:
I think people place too much emphasis on shopping as leisure activity and compulsive behavior. I believe we can all live on a lot less than we do. I also believe that we all have more than we consciously think we do. Fun is not only predicated by economic activity and amount of toys. Therefore, I like to take a day out and just enjoy what I have around me and see what kind of creativity stems from voluntary resistance.
Today, I will work and walk and read and think. My roommate and I have been discussing recycled art projects like the bowls I made from old records (pictured above). Maybe we will weed through our massive music collection a bit more and see what else we can come up with. What will you do?
Labels: buy nothing day
Being the crafter that I am....I think you might have something with those "record bowls"...
You're idea??
I can see the Consumatron logo affixed to the bottom of the bowl and a price tag on them??? or any other picutre/logo.....
The record bowls are not my idea, but there are plans in the works to offer them (as well as other recycled art projects) for sale.
If anyone is interested in purchasing a record bowl, please contact me at: consumatron[at]consumatron[dot]com
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