Bota-Nice Redskin Spanish Peanuts (4 oz. bag)

Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.19 + tax
Review: Though not as tasty as Bota-Nice's Japanese Style Peanuts, these will suffice (I don't really have a choice if 7-Eleven isn't going to reorder the Japanese ones, do I?). Using a lot of each of the three ingredients in the peanuts (peanuts, iodized salt and vegetable oil), Bota-Nice knows how to pack a flavorful punch inside of a cellophane bag. Using the who-knows-how-many chemical ingredients in the little packet of hot sauce included with the peanuts, Bota-Nice and La Botanera know how to pack a tangy, slightly spicy punch as well.
Eating Bota-Nice products may have just spoiled me. I used to feel that any peanut product I ate needed more salt. As you can see in the picture, these peanuts have the perfect amount of salt. Now, I feel as if any peanut product I eat needs more hot sauce. Something tells me I should stop wearing so many white T-shirts.
Rating: 4 / 5
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