Trader Joe's Grated Parmesan Cheese (0.61 lb.)

Location Purchased: Trader Joe's / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.04 + tax
Review: Remember how I raved about the Bel Gioioso Parmesan cheese I purchased last month? Well, chalk that up to naiveté. This Argentinian Parmesan cheese tastes stronger, is just as fresh and costs less than half as much as that name brand ubiqui-grocer brand. Though I need this cheese for a dish I plan on making for a dinner party next Sunday, I find myself eating spoonfulls and marvelling at how this cheese melts in my mouth and leaves a watery greedy maw that begs for more.
This is just one of the many reasons I wish I could make it to Trader Joe's more often.
Rating: 4.75 / 5
Labels: cheese, groceries, trader joe's
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