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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tea Set Brand Mint Tea (12 bags)

Item Purchased: Tea Set Brand Mint Tea (12 bags)
Location Purchased: Sun Sun Tong Company / 2260 S. Wentworth Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.90 + tax

Review: I've never had properly brewed mint tea before. I'd be surprised if more than a handful of you out there have as well. Properly brewed mint tea consists of a long process of brewing green tea, draining, brewing again, adding mint leaves and sugar, pouring a cup, pouring it back into the pot, adding more sugar to taste, brewing some more, etc.. etc... It's a ritualistic process that is more common in some Arabic and some African cultures. Here in the U.S., we pride ourselves on quick quick quick. Sometimes I think most people view brewing tea as giving the Starbucks cashier a couple of dollars.

The benefit of the ritual (besides the ritual itself, of course), is supposed to be a vibrant tasting tea both sweet and minty. I have been told by cranky restaurant customers that the pre-bagged mint teas elsewhere in the world are nothing in comparison. They taste rather bland in comparison, I'm told.

Tea Set brand mint tea tastes a tad bitter, but the mint flavor does come through after brewing the lazy most-of-the-world way. Some day I'll have someone walk me through the ritual, but for now, boiling the water on my stove and steeping these bags of tea will do me just fine.

Rating: 4 / 5

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