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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Safeway Plain Bread Crumbs (15 oz. can)

Item Purchased: Safeway Plain Bread Crumbs (15 oz. can)
Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.69 + tax

Review: I should really just make my own bread crumbs, but this is one of the modern conveniences I take advantage of. It's always amusing to see that local Chicago bakeries have their own line of packaged bread crumbs. My tastes aren't that advanced that I would be able to tell the difference after a dish is cooked with bread crumbs on it, so I went for the generic store brand and saved thirty or forty cents. One caveat is that whenever I have a box of bread crumbs, I tend to eat them by the spoonfull. Any one of my friends will tell you how much I love to eat plain bread... Well, this is just plain bread in crumb form. Hopefully I will be able to keep my spoon out of the box until I make those arancini tomorrow.

Rating: 3.75 / 5

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