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Friday, November 17, 2006

Nov. 17th - Weekly Buy Nothing Day!

I've been doing these Buy Nothing Days almost every week for a year now. Using them as a time to reflect and attempt to understand what our consumption means and why our automatic consumerism is so important to us. I participate by not participating once a week to remember that there are more important things in life than money or things. I'm not anti-shopping or anti-consumerism, I'm anti-shopping-as-compulsive-leisure-activity. I live in a city where many of the elements are organized to coerce us all into spending the maximum amount of money or credit on a whim. I'm thankful for the things I have and the ability I have to purchase things I need or want, but to fetishize or glorify that aspect of our lives so much (as the holiday season does) is a harmful thing. I take these breaks once a week to work on projects, appreciate what I have and get rid of what I don't need.

Next Friday is National Buy Nothing Day. You all know it as Black Friday, the kickoff to the busiest shopping weekend of the year here in America. I've seen people argue and fight over deals on this day. I've seen children cry as they watch their parents scream at others about the newest video game system or hot toy of the season. I've seen people bump and nudge and push each other as if civilization had stopped for a day. I choose to put the spending and the pushing and the screaming on hold. Who wants to join me?

For more information about Buy Nothing Day, please read Adbusters' BND press release: LINK

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