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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ground Beef from Dominick's (1.29 lb.)

Item Purchased: Ground Beef from Dominick's (1.29 lb.)
Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.76 + tax

Review: How do you rate one of the most unhealthy and dangerous forms of beef available at your grocery store? Hell, how do you rate raw meat in general when you don't buy it very often at all? I suppose I could start off by noting that the USDA allows a maximum of 30% beef fat in ground beef and Dominick's ground beef only contains 20%. After preparing the bulk of this package of beef into a meat sauce for some Arancini I will be making tomorrow night, I tried a bit. Beef has always been the clay of meat to me. You can make it into a clump or a castle. Not to toot my own horn, but I'd say that this sauce was a mansion with four bedrooms and two and a half baths.

As for the ground beef itself, it was fairly lean and adequately juicy. It's still ground up dead bovine.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

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