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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

From the Anatomical Store Front department:

I ran across the website while surfing around today. It's a site that sells customized pens. The business name is Pen Island. Wit and industry all in one. The site isn't the most useful or design savvy storefront, but my expectations of what would yield were pleasantly surpassed. Wanna freak out your co-workers? Run up to their cubicle and type (not .com!) into their web browser before they can stop you!

Their tagline should be, "Entirely safe for work:"


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin, I ran across that penisland site before too. It came from a list of Worst Company URLs ever. However, I think it's a joke. You can't actually buy anything, although now they do offer two sample pens with their logo/tagline, presumably to further the joke. A few minutes reading the site, once you get past the name, is all it takes. How about this: "Don't be ashamed if all you want is a normal skinny white pen, they get the job done and they are infact our biggest seller!"


Here's a list of "The top 10 unintentionally worst company URLs":

On the list, there ARE a few legitimate ones with really bad names.


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 7:57:00 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...


Thanks! I actually think could be a useful tool for law enforcement agencies if it weren't a therapist web site. Though maybe it could help them find rapists in therapy?

Also: I haven't forgotten about your shirt... I've just been busy.. sorry..


Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:04:00 PM  

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