Tofu Fried Rice from Joy Yee

Location Purchased: Joy Yee's Noodles / 1335 S. Halsted St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $6.50 + tax
Review: Why is it, people assume that someone who orders tofu on something automatically wants a shitload of extra vegetables as well? Hell, I know vegetarians that don't particularly like many vegetables. Sometimes when a person orders tofu, it means that they want tofu. Plain and simple...
Instead of preparing a typical fried rice dish and adding tofu in place of the meat, Joy Yee decided to go all North Korea on me and test out their ultra-packed vegetable fried rice. Stuffed to the breakers with brocoli, baby corn and mushrooms, this dish had me wishing I had ordered the pepper steak that was my first impulse. I don't mind brocoli. I don't mind baby corn. I don't even mind mushrooms when they are doled out in moderation and easy to pick out.
What I do mind is so many pieces of cut up baby corn that you can taste the liquid they were canned in over all of the other spices used in preparing this dish. What I do mind is so many pieces of fungus that there isn't much more room for the tofu I desired. What I do mind is all of the flavor being sucked out of this dish just because someone in the Joy Yee chain of command thinks that vegetarians and tofu lovers enjoy flavorless food.
Strike two, Joy Yee... You know I will forgive you, but jeez! Screwing up fried rice? Come on!
Rating: 2 / 5
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