Thai Green Curry Fried Rice from Joy Yee

Location Purchased: Joy Yee's Noodles / 1335 S. Halsted St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $6.50 + tax
Review: Last night at the 1-Year Anniversary Party, long-time reader and loyal friend of the site, Chris Hajer, reminded me that I was supposed to prepare rice and beans for the upcoming work-week so I could save some money and have an alternative to the limited lunch choices around the bookstore.
Next weekend, Chris! Rice and Beans... Maybe even a fresh baked loaf of bread! This week though, it's the standard crap I eat on a daily basis. Today, however, I decided to make a step toward the reminder by purchasing a rice dish from Joy Yee's. It doesn't exactly save me any money or stand to lower my cholesterol or the sodium content of my person, but it ingrains (get it... grains!... of rice!... ha... oh, nevermind!) the idea of rice dishes in my head for next weekend.
Joy Yee's Thai Green Curry Fried Rice is a tasty dish that will last you for two meals. The curry is subtle at first, but then the heat hits you. Unlike some curried rices, there is no chalky texture or extra hot peppers to obscure the curry flavor. This is a simple dish of rice, bean sprouts, onion, tender chicken pieces and green curry.
My only complaint is that the menu doesn't say anything about the inclusion of chicken. Most of the other rice dishes in the same section of the menu list the meat that is included in them. My girlfriend is vegetarian and a curry lover. I would hate to see her order this dish and be surprised by the carnivorous inclusion. Of course, since she is a vegetarian, she probably encounters this type of thing all of the time and knows better than to order Thai food without asking if it is vegetarian.
Rating: 4 / 5
Hey Kevin....
I love Joy Yee. They have the best Chinese... although, admittedly, it is a little greasy. I also tend to smell like Chinese when I walk out of one of their venues!
I would love to speak with you about all the reviews you do. Interested?
Thanks for commenting.. Feel free to contact me via e-mail if you would like to talk.
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