Sunrich Naturals Shelled Frozen Edamame (12 oz.)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.60 + tax
Review: Someone told me that the word "edamame" is fancy talk for "soybean." Well, I don't know nothing from nothing, but I do like soy sauce.
I also like these soybeans. Edamame has, of late, been all over the health world as the next miracle food. High in protein, low in oil and a taste that is not as obtrusive as peas. In Japan, when you sit down to order yourself a Budweiser, there is often a complimentary bowl of freshly shelled and salted Edamame on the bar for you to snack on. Many Asian restaurants here in Chicago offer the very same snack as an appetizer for around $5.00 whether you order a Budweiser or not.
Because of the popularity of Edamame (I even have an entire cookbook dedicated to Edamame dishes), those pesky scientists have been hard at work genetically modifying soybeans for the fine folks at Monsanto (people who brought you mad cow disease and other such delights) in order to ensure high crop yields and increased profts so I usually look for something on the package that guarantees the soybeans haven't been messed with.
That's just what you get with Sunrich Naturals. Tasty by themselves or mixed into your stir fry/soup/breakfast scramble or other delights, these soybeans are the tops in my book... even if they are frozen. The price is a bit high, but worth it if you ask me.
Rating: 4.25 / 5
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