Safeway Select Cotton Swabs (500 ct.)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.00 + tax
Review: Once when I was a teenager, I had to leave school because my ears hurt. When I went to the doctor, he told me that I had severe wax buildup in my ears. After flushing my ears out with a giant-sized silver saline squirt gun and letting me examine the marble-sized chunks of black earwax that came out, doc told me that I should stop using Q-Tips and let nature take care of my ears. A few months later, I had to go to the doctor again for the same kind of buildup of wax. This time, after flushing my ears out and sparing me the sight of the wax-clumps, the very same doctor told me that I should be using Q-Tips. Thus began my distrust of doctors.
From that day forth, I used cotton swabs in moderation, digging around in my aural canals only when it felt as if all that was missing was a wick to light. Ever since listening to my body and its demands, I haven't had any more wax-related ear aches. I've also since learned that Q-Tips aren't the best cotton swabs out there. Usually too fluffy, Q-Tips end up getting stuck in my ears. Other name brand cotton swabs succeed only in stabbing the hell out of my inner ears. I find that the generic store brand of cotton swabs have just the right amount of fluff to aid in wax retrieval. Dominick's Safeway brand cotton swabs are no different.
Rating: 4 / 5
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