Goya Black Beans (15.5 oz. can)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.83 + tax
Review: Better than Jewel's Black Beans and not as good as Trader Joe's Black Beans. The price falls in between too. Are black beans the one consumer item where you actually do get what you pay for?
My suggestion? Drain these beans, fry them up with some butter and spices... Maybe some tofu and mix into some brown rice like I did... Enjoy.
Rating: 3.75 / 5
I haven't bought Goya beans since I opened a can a couple of months ago and instead of that milky black liquid that accompanies the beans, it was a gelatinous white substance.
I forgot about that. That was completely disgusting. That kind of stuff is bound to happen in industries such as canning and preserved foods though. Can't let one experience turn me away from my packaged meals, right?
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