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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

From the Chocolate Dipped Oppression department:

Ivory Coast cocoa farmers have gone on strike, highlighting their increasing poverty, low cocoa prices and high export taxes that they all have to deal with. At $0.40/kilo, the export tax on cocoa is primarily used to fund the government's ongoing civil war standoff with the rebel controlled northern region of the country. Farmers are demanding that the export tax be cut by 45-55% and that the market price of cocoa be raised so that they will be able to send their children to school.

The Ivory Coast's cocoa and coffee industries are notorious for their child labor and slavery. Though I usually view fair trade practices as a minimal step-up that appeases guilt-laden misinformed liberals, I think a fair trade is needed in this situation. Not only will a Fair Trade agreement guarantee fair wages, but will also ensure that no forced or abusive child labor is used in the process of satisfying our sweet tooth.

If the strike carries on, we may need to pay a little more for our next bon bon or Twix, but if you ask me, it will be worth it.

(Earth Times and Global Exchange)


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