Dominick's Butter Quarters Sticks (1 lb.)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $3.50 + tax
Review: Like the flat green rectanglular pieces are to a Lego house, butter is to cooking in my own house. Essential, foundational, inspirational... Okay... Maybe not inspirational.
Butter is tasty. Damn margarine and you other solidified oils! You know what protects me from heart disease? Not sitting around watching commercials for oleo that tell me butter will cause heart disease! Eat your heart out, Kevin Trudeau! While you and your readers all die from alkalosis, I'll be smearing great gobs of salted butter on my underarms like deodorant so that when I sweat, I smell like breakfast toast!
(Sorry for that little tirade, someone was just in the bookstore where I work looking for that charlatan's new book)
As for me, I'm no charlatan. I don't honestly know whether butter or margarine is better for you (the scientists have flipped on that one several times during my lifetime). All I know is that butter just makes some things taste better when you cook with it. There is a time and a place for olive oil, but when it comes to breakfast foods such as eggs or potatoes, I prefer a nice thick glob of salted butter. Melted over rice & beans is also an acceptable (and current) option in my book.
Dominick's butter is one of the least expensive brands I have encountered, as well. I was just disappointed that there was no "O" Organics butter option to choose from in order to further my research into store-brand organics. (editor's note: grad students with research papers due should not look toward this study for pointers)
Rating: 3.75 / 5
Wow, $US 3.50 + tax is cheap for butter?
Here in Brisbane, Australia, 500g (roughly 1lb 2oz) of store brand butter is $A 2.50, including sales tax (roughly $1.90 US, based on spending $US 25 on flickr a few months ago and being charged $A 33).
Cheers David.
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