Dominick's Brand Fine Granulated Sugar (4 lb.)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.39 + tax
Review: My teeth could probably stand to encounter a whole lot less sugar, but my dentist tells me that coffee doesn't do much in the way of tooth decay. Of course, he means pure coffee and not the milky-sweet supersaturated concoction I prepare each and every morning, afternoon and night.
And that is pretty much the whole purpose of this purchase. I keep sugar on hand to sweeten my number one addiction. A man I know who drinks coffee black introduced me to this additive by leaving it laying around his den of iniquity (he calls it a "kitchen"). I remember being coaxed out of bed by the scent of "the best part of waking up" by this man and seeing him magically awaken like a phoenix rising after sipping the bitter black liquid. It was then I knew that this liquid was an essential part of a successful and productive day. Like a good little naive victim, I partook of the liquid, but needed something to make it go down easier. The white powder called to me from the cupboard and seemed to disappear when sprinkled into the small cup of consciousness. If you can't see it, it won't hurt you, right? From that day forth, the man had me hooked, both to the liquid and the powder. Thanks, Dad!
I prefer raw sugar to the bleached and ground-with-animal-bones type. The problem comes when I look for raw sugar at the Dominick's and can only find boxes of the small, individually wrapped packets. Such a waste! Once they start carrying (or restock) the boxes of loose raw sugar, I'm there, but for now, this sweet bed of passion and decay will have to do.
Rating: 3.25 / 5
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