Black Forest Ham Sandwich on Cracked Wheat w/Mustard Relish from 7-Eleven

Location Purchased: 7-Eleven / 1350 S. Halsted / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.99 + tax
Review: This is a slight variation on another sandwich I have purchased from 7-Eleven in the past. This time, instead of cheese, there is a relish-mustard mixture coating the outside of the bread. Though not a big fan of ham.... screw it. I don't want to review another sandwich from 7-Eleven today. I want someone to remind me to throw together something semi-healthy on Sunday afternoons that will last me the entire week. I have some brown rice and spices at home. All I need to do is buy a can of black beans and I'm set. Or, at the very least, I could buy a loaf of bread and some lunch meat and leave it at work. Instead of paying $3.00+ for a mediocre sandwich every day, I could construct one from the ground up for less than a dollar.
I'm all for convenience, but I think we let it overrun our common sense and taste sometimes. How else to you explain the popularization of McDonalds and other fast food establishments? It really doesn't take that long to slap some food together and throw it into a bag before heading to work in the morning (I especially have no excuse. I start work at 12:30PM). It saves you money and saves your stomach. And after saving all of that money, you will be able to splurge on a lunch that is worth the money every once in a while.
It's not bad food, but the thought of eating at 7-Eleven every day makes my stomach turn sometimes.
Rating: 3 / 5
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