2 Yellow Onions from Dominick's

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.37 + tax
Review: Man, the fresh produce at Dominick's left much to be desired this weekend. Most of the vegetables looked as if they had a lost weekend in Vegas and were recovering in the flower bed. It took me a full three minutes to scrounge through the pitiful pile of tearjerkers today to find two good onions. I don't even like onions enough to warrent thirty seconds of my time, let alone three full minutes. But, I needed onions to make my lunch for the week, so hunt I did.
What I came up with were only good in the relative sense. I hope to god that it wasn't class picture day in the Dominick's produce department, because even these acceptable onions had a wicked case of acne that needed some clearing up under the cold tap.
Rating: 1.75 / 5
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