2 Jewel Brand Red Beans (15 oz. can)

Location Purchased: Jewel-Osco / 3033 S. Halsted St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.72/ea. + tax
Review: Maybe I have just been pampered since my last apartment was two blocks away from the Mecca of Jewel grocery stores, but this location's selection is pretty pitiful. It's not that I'm a picky eater... Especially when it comes to canned legumes, but I do try to avoid store-brand items most of the time.
These red beans aren't exactly bad, but relative to other canned red beans, these are some of the worst I've tried. They have the consistency of cardboard (even after cooking them) and are canned in the typical formaldehyde-scented water that most canned vegetables are preserved in. Good thing I am mixing these with edamame, black beans (Goya brand), rice and bunches of spices.
I happened to be in the area of this Jewel (probably the only one in the city without a TCF teller station, btw. so I couldn't even make the bank deposit I needed to), but me thinks the equidistant trip to Dominick's is the better choice.
Rating: 2.25 / 5
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