Trader Darwin's High Potency Multiple Vitamins (360 Tablets)

Location Purchased: Trader Joe's / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $11.99 + tax
Review: I believe I've said it before, but I will say it again. I wish the modern American diet (specifically my own) filled with a varied and voluptuous array of foods so balanced that there would be no need to take vitamin supplements. Unfortunately, this isn't the case. Though I try to eat healthy, I'm sure that the occasional Jim's Original Polish Sausage I eat doesn't contain the recommended amount of iron or B12 I need to stay focused and energized throughout my day. It is because of this hedonistic carnivorous pleasure-seeking that I must resort to futuristic ways of keeping my brain and body balanced.
Trader Darwin's multivitamins are completely vegan, so that means there is no gelitan surrounding the healthy parts. This, in turn, means that sticking your nose over the top of an open bottle of these things is akin to being caught in a septic tank. Despite the earthy and natural smell, the taste of these vitamins is not bad at all. As for their effectiveness, I'll need a bit more time to tell. I can say that after taking just one of these vitamins in the morning, I did feel more alert and energetic all day long, but who's to say that wasn't from a good night's sleep.
My one complaint is that the shelf tag at Trader Joe's said that this bottle of vitamins cost $7.99, but when I was in the check-out aisle, they rang up at $11.99. This is still a good deal for 180 days of energy and pill-form health (you are supposed to take two a day), but it leads me to wonder if Trader Joe's suffers from the same scanner troubles that several other area groceries do.
Rating: 4 / 5
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