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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Six 1" Buttons from The Sweetie Pie Press

Item Purchased: Six 1" Buttons from The Sweetie Pie Press
Location Purchased: Sweetie Pie Press / Renegade Craft Fair / Wicker Park / Chicago, IL
Price: $5.00 w/tax

Review: As I said in the previous review, almost every booth at the Renegade Craft Fair had buttons for sale. Sweetie Pie Press, however, had nothing but one-inch buttons for sale. Just a table completely full of one inch buttons with all sorts of designs and artwork on them. From original designs to found object designs, simple text to stock photography pictures, every day items to the exotic instrument, Sweetie Pie Press' table was littered with buttons of all shapes, sizes and beauty. I could almost picture the woman who I bought these buttons from sitting at a cluttered kitchen table randomly cutting and fitting pieces of paper into her button-maker, churning out tiny one inch circles of wearable art and expression.

The bicycle button was for my avid cyclist of a girlfriend and the accordian button was for my avid collector-of-pop-ephemera (including accordians) friend, Pete. The remaining four were for me. Three of them reflect rules I try to live by and the fourth was just a kick ass little picture of an old typewriter.

Check out Sweetie Pie Press' website and get some truly cool pieces of flair: Sweetie Pie Press.

Rating: 4 / 5


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