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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sept. 21st - Previously Reviewed Purchases (With Less Caffeine!)

Extra Bonus Fun (Ha Ha): I'm going the entire day without a cigarette or a cup of coffee. Why would I do such a self-immolating thing? It's a sort of experiment. I was inspired by Ze Frank's The Show yesterday when he hilariously brought up the idea of "Busting Cycles." In Ze Frank's words:
"Busting your cycle is where you take one aspect of your life that's more or less constant and you purposely bust it. By temporarily breaking a routine, you can often experience the world in a very different way. If you bust the right cycle this shift in perspective can often lead to elation and a sense of possibility."
Ze busted his own cycle by going to the dentist and making himself into a peanut butter, jelly and face sandwich. On a lark, I'm busting some cycles of habitual consumerism by not buying cigarettes or coffee today. It's kind of like a specialized Buy Nothing Day (don't worry, I'll get back to those soon... vacation screwed me up a bit). So far I have a headache and really want to clothesline anyone I see smoking just because I'm not, but I think I'll be able to keep things in check. You can follow my thoughts about not smoking or caffeinating on the message board over at Ze's site.
For background on busting your cycle, watch yesterday's episode: Click.
To watch all of Ze Frank's The Show, set aside a couple of days and: Click.
For the message thread concerning cycle busting: Click.

Update: Today I poured the hotsauce into the bag of Bota-Nice Peanuts and mixed it all up before eating. A bit messy, but actually a better snacking experience!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you make it?

Friday, September 22, 2006 12:50:00 AM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I made it! My friend Pete observed that I am not as "happy or nice" without chemicals running through my body... But I made it. Of course, when the clock struck midnight, I immediately had a cigarette. But it was only one... and it was a light.. I usually smoke regulars.

Friday, September 22, 2006 11:18:00 AM  

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