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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Orange Frosted Sugar Cookies from Dominick's (10 pk.)

Item Purchased: Orange Frosted Sugar Cookies from Dominick's (10 pk.)
Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: 3.69 + tax

Review: I wouldn't usually buy these things, but I have to admit that I like them. My girlfriend routinely buys these things and she happened to be with me while I was at the grocery store. She pointed them out and what other choice did I have but to buy them? (the things love will make you do, eh?)

I'm not saying I don't like this style of cookie... I do. The dough is halfway between flakey and mushy and the frosting has no flavor but gristly sugar. Eating one of these cookies is what I imagine mixing equal parts chalk dust and sugar to be like. A residue of dough and sugar remains in your mouth for a while after eating one, but the worst part about these cookies is that they melt in your mouth and go down so easy that I find myself finishing the entire package before realizing that my throat has seized up with doughy orange mush. I don't mind the occasional unhealthy sweet snack, but I try not to buy the ones that I tend to stuff down my throat like Play-Doh into a mold.

Rating: 3 / 5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 11 and at my school birthday parties, too many people bring these as treets. I think they are just a hunk of chemicals schaped like a cookie, but who knows. Also, the frosting is realy bad, so I might give this a 1/5.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:12:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I would probably rate these cookies 1/5 too if I had to eat them every time someone I knew had a birthday. Everything in moderation. And, unfortunately, most of the things we eat are a bunch of chemicals shaped like something else.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006 6:45:00 PM  

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