Mountain Creek Classic Lager Beer (6 pk. cans)

Location Purchased: Trader Joe's / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.99 + tax
Review: Usually Trader Joe's can be trusted implicitly when it comes to cheap food and drink. Even the seemingly cut-out priced items tend to taste great and meet your needs. This cannot be said for Mountain Creek Beer. This beer is proof that my home state of Wisconsin is not only the home to the U.S' best beer, but also the worst. Mountain Creek is brewed by the Joseph Huber Brewing Company in Monroe (from the folks who brew Berghoff), Wisconsin and their URL used to be, but that address no longer registers as a valid site. I am assuming that the URL was a curse against good beer rather than a description of the beer itself. This stuff tastes like Miller Lite with a few dirty gutter pennies at the bottom.
On the can is the claim that Mountain Creek is a "Classic Lager" which is a sham. Also displayed prominently at the top of the can just below the lip, is the alcohol content of 5.5%. While this is a stronger beer than most other lagers in this ultra affordable price range, the only reason to buy Mountain Creek is for the relatively high alcohol content. With a hoppy head, this brew may fool the freshman college student or beer neophyte, but there is only one word to describe it... Bunk. If shopping at Trader Joe's, spend a dollar more for their own Frugal Joe's Ordinary Beer. There is good reason tragic alcoholics drink mouthwash instead of this.
Rating: 0.1 / 5
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