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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bel Gioioso Fresh Mozzarella (8 oz. tub)

Item Purchased: Bel Gioioso Fresh Mozzarella (8 oz. tub)
Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3145 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $4.99 + tax

Review: This mozzarella was a bit stringy and hard compared to the others I have tried in the past. Each small mozzarella ball was stuck to another by a small strand of itself where the processing machine obviously missed a cut, erasing the illusion that this cheese was hand processed.

After halving each mozzarella ball and putting it into my signature Caprese Pasta Salad, it still did the job and added the right flavor where it should have been. I would have preferred a softer consistency in the cheese, but I will give Bel Gioioso the benefit of the doubt and try them again. Based on my past experience with their products, I am assuming that this tub of mozzarella was just a fluke.

Rating: 3 / 5


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