Bad Pictures Of Me In The International Press!
Draugas, a Lithuanian world-wide daily newspaper published here in Chicago, has also mentioned in their newspaper. I helped to redesign their website a few months ago and can't thank them enough for mentioning me. I'm not sure what the article says, since I don't speak Lithuanian, but the picture they used of me from the site is hilarious. I will scan the print article and post it to the Press page as soon as I can.
Heh...I accidently left a comment on the wrong entry. There should be one from me on the post titled in the Chicago Tribune Today.
And you're right. That picture of you in the Lithuanian newspaper is hilarious.
Kevin, I had a friend of mine do the translation of for you. Nothing to worry about, it's all good.
Draugas’s website designer—in Chicago Tribune’s pages
On September 26th the Chicago Tribune Tempo section ran a front-page article entitled “The Critic of Everything” about Kevin Elliott—formerly a student of cinema, now a writer, photographer, and bookseller—who, by way of the Internet, has also become a “critic of everything.” As of last fall, Kevin maintains an Internet diary which has managed to garner broader notice, at
According to Kevin, product reviews on the Internet and in print, though numerous, are usually limited to rating big-ticket items or larger commercial enterprises—hotels, restaurants, and such. However, on’s pages, one man’s ordinary purchases are meticulously catalogued and critically rated (on a 1-5 point system), be they a tube of toothpaste, a sandwich, or a bar of soap. All of this Kevin reviews with unfailing enthusiasm and the fervor typical of hardened critics. This same website also contains a section entitled “Mediatron,” which evaluates music and literature (Kevin works at Barbara’s Bookstore).
By a lucky twist of fate, K. Elliott, son of a Wisconsin programmer, having dabbled in computer science in college, also is the designer of the new Draugas website, which debuted this past spring. Congratulations to Kevin on his own debut in the pages of the Chicago Tribune, and once again we thank him for his assistance in creating and “releasing” the Draugas website!
Vladas Krivickas
Draugas website editor
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