Arabian Coffee from Old Jerusalem

Location Purchased: Old Jerusalem Restaurant / 1411 N. Wells St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.50 + tax
Review: Turkish, Arabian and Greek coffee is all very similar to me. I like them all, and I don't even want to get into the international argument of who came up with it first. It is all stoned coffee brewed over an open flame in a small metal pot and poured to fill a demitasse cup. I will say that I prefer the chalkier, thicker versions of it that I am usually served when I order Greek coffee, but that is neither here nor there regarding this review.
Old Jerusalem's Arabian coffee is a bit more watery, with less leftover grounds than most coffee in this style. The flavor is strong, sweet and pleasantly earthy. I'm not sure if Arabian coffee is always sweetened or if they just assumed that I would like it that way (which I do), but I didn't ask them to add sugar. Comparably priced with almost any other Turkish/Arabian/Greek coffee in the city, this is the perfect reason to stop into Old Jerusalem during your stroll through Chicago's Old Town. Though not the best I've had, it will keep you alert so you can dodge all of the dog walkers during your walk down Wells St.
Rating: 3.5 / 5
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