40 Consumatron.com Anniversary Party Posters from Kinkos

Location Purchased: FedEx Kinko's Office and Print Services / 700 S. Wabash / Chicago, IL
Price: $83.68 + tax
Review: The breakdown on this price is a bit janky. I didn't just pay for the posters themselves, I also paid for time on the computer and one misprinted poster in black & white. It cost me $3.50 for 14 minutes on one of Kinko's workstation PCs, $0.98 for a fluke black and white 11x17 printout of the poster and $79.20 for the forty 11x17 color printouts. I know this may make me sound incredibly cheap, but I think that if you are saving the counter workers labor and printing out a significant number of sheets, the computer use fee should be waived. It's not as if I was using the high-end editing functions of said computer. I was simply loading up Adobe so I could print out my PDFs. Other than that minor nitpicky thing, the employees at Kinko's were extremely helpful and unusually quick to respond to my needs today. I have been in here before printing things for work and I am used to blank stares and sighs when I need help. None of that today... maybe it was happy week at Kinko's or something.
Though I don't exactly have $83.68 to throw around for paper that will hang in record shop windows and be torn down in a few weeks, I really want this one year anniversary party to be a success. More than celebrating one year of Consumatron.com, I really want people to come out and see all of the talent I've lined up for the event. It would be great if I could make a lot of money for each performer, but if working various events and offsites through my bookstore job has taught me anything, its that without adequate advertising, events are just things that happen elsewhere.
Well, this party is happening here in Chicago at Subterranean on the 15th of October, beginning at 8:30 PM (doors at 8:00PM) for a minimal cover of $5.00! Come one, come all! Bring your friends... Bring your family... Bring your stuffed animals (especially if they are paying cover)!
The posters themselves turned out looking great... Dare I say "professional?" Not too shabby for just running 'em off on a computer that everyone and their mother has used to print out term papers and pictures of their college girlfriends in bathing suits.
Look for one in a Chicago bar/music shop/cafe near you!
Or, feel free to click on the image above and print out your own copy of the PDF to stick up at your favorite locale!
I'll see you at SubT on Oct. 15th!
Special thanks to Peter Klockau for designing the poster! You should all head over to his daily comics blog, http://peteklockau.blogspot.com/. Then, you should all give him money so he will design a pretty cartoon for your advertising or entertainment needs. More reviews on Peter's work are coming, so keep an eye on Mediatron!
Rating: 4.5 / 5
Kinko's? Friendly??
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