2 Jars of Trader Joe's Chunky Peanut Butter - Salted (16 oz.)

Location Purchased: Trader Joe's / 1840 N. Clybourn Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.69 + tax each
Review: I already reviewed Trader Joe's Creamy Peanut Butter way back in October. The only thing left to really say is that this jar has peanut chunks in it. Still one of the best peanut butters I have bought from a grocery store. Still the most inexpensive natural peanut butters I have purchased. Still great. The only thing I can think to add is that the peanuts floating around in this jar of bread spacer taste fresh and aren't dried out and crispy like many of the other crunchy peanut butters you will find. When you eat this stuff, you get peanut butter and then you get even more peanut butter as you chew the peanuts that were lucky enough to be spared pulverization... Until now!
Rating: 4.75 / 5
I'm 11 and my mom said that I had to switch because of the oils in Jif peanutbutter. I tried it and thought it was thicker, but better and tasted more like peanuts, not chemicals. I personally like crunchy better than creamy peanutbutter, but they're both good.
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