Tsingtao Beer (6pk)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3140 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $6.99 + tax
Review: My friends and I now lovingly refer to this beer as "Chinaken" after my girlfriend introduced us to the phrase. Tsingtao is, in fact a Chinese beer that is bottled and tastes much like Heineken beer. Both companies use green glass bottles and both companies produce a pale gold beer that is both refreshing and just a tad bitter. Tsingtao has more of a hoppy taste than Heineken, and though I don't like beers that are too heavy on the hops, this one seems to get it just right. Often on special ($0.50 off this time!) in my neighborhood (which conveniently borders Chicago's Chinatown), this is the beer I will probably buy the most of when I don't feel like slumming it with Old Style or PBR.
Rating: 4 / 5
Chinaken TM
Now that's funny.
If you prefer a beer not to heavy on the hops,and you want a Chinese product,try Zhujiang beer.
There are a few different one's on the market across the US and Canada,Europe and Asia.
Good stuff.
Yes, Zhujiang beer is awesome!
I enjoy Asian beers and have tried both Tsingtao Beer and Zhujiang Beer. They are different from each other in style and taste.Both are easily available in my neighbourhood.
Chinaken, very orginal!
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