Jewel Brand Value Clean Paper Towels (3 rolls)

Location Purchased: Jewel-Osco / 3033 S. Halsted St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.00 + tax
Review: I'm sure some of you are wondering why I haven't reviewed simple household purchases like paper towels after moving into my new apartment. Well, I apologize, there was about a week or so where I was reviewing only one purchase a day and much of the spree-shopping that happens when you move into a new place happened on those days. It's not like I didn't tell you about it. Don't worry. Most of that stuff is stuff I will run out of and purchase again... like these paper towels.
Paper towels have become such a habit for me. A bad habit, I admit. I really should go out and buy a stack of hand towels so I don't create so much waste. In fact, next time I am out and find myself near a linens store, I am going to do just that. As much as I windex down (that's right, windex has achieved verb-status in my life) counters and walls and everything else, I really should just have a few towels dedicated to the job that I could wash every couple of weeks. I'd hate for there to be an expose done on how much paper waste I create in any given week.
I used to buy "green" paper towels made from post-consumer waste paper, but then I realized that I was simply paying more money for a recycled product that I would simply use and throw away (recycling here in Chicago is one step above a joke and one step below a riddle, in case you were wondering). I'd love to hear from fellow paper-towel addicts in a place such as Portland, OR (I am in awe of your environmental consciousness, Portland... really, I envy you). For now, I am going to buy my paper waste cheap and try harder to wean myself off of it. Any tips on how to reduce cleaning waste would be much appreciated.
Now I feel all guilty. Paper toweling is a supremely useful invention around the house, but the ease of alternatives is one of those things that quite often slips my mind. Useful product, but probably wholly unnecessary.
Rating: 2 / 5
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