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Monday, August 21, 2006

Green Tea w/Honey from Earwax Cafe

Item Purchased: Green Tea w/Honey from Earwax Cafe
Location Purchased: Earwax Cafe / 1561 N. Milwaukee Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.25 + tax

Review: I wanted to try Earwax's Medicinal Throat Coat tea to see if it actually had the healing properties the name suggested. Unfortunately, the circus-themed, veggie-friendly hip cafe in Wicker Park had run out. To soothe the scratchiness remaining in the back of my throat from a weekend of sleepy illness, I used the fallback of green tea with a bit of honey and lemon.

After drinking the semi-soothing concoction of Yogi brand tea that Earwax serves, my throat did feel a little better, but when I looked at my receipt, I noticed that I was charged for a Medicinal tea. Since the price of both teas is exactly the same, I wasn't upset. Later in the day, however, I was reflecting on my green tea order. Earwax carries three different types of green tea, but my waiter didn't stop to ask me which type I wanted. Furthermore, I don't know what kind of green tea I received. I would very much like to know since this particular glass of tea was not bitter in the way some others are.

All I can tell you is that the little tag on the end of the tea string had printed on it, "May your inner self be secure and happy." Well, my throat (which is sort of my inner self) did feel better, but now, in hindsight, I wonder if this refreshing and mildly flavored tea was Japanese Bancha, Dragonwell, Jasmine or Genmaicha. Whichever type of green tea it was, I hope to deduce from future visits to Earwax, so I can purchase it again when I want something a little less harsh on the throat than coffee.

Rating: 4 / 5


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's bancha.
that's the only green tea we have in a bag.

Thursday, November 16, 2006 3:02:00 PM  

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