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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

From the Green Doesn't Always Mean Go department:

I buy a lot of convenient consumer crap. You've all seen it reviewed here on the site. I smoke and will never claim that giving money to big (or small) tobacco is a virtuous purchase. When I can, I do put my spending dollars into local or "greener" companies, but even the most militant vegan that weaves his own shirts from grass that died a natural death has to admit that it is not so easy to remain conscious of every dollar spent. Hell, spending a dollar either takes cash (dead trees, unhealthy work conditions in copper mines) or credit (plastic that won't biodegrade or toxic circuit boards that are used to run your credit information to and from your bank). It's impossible to be a conscious consumer all of the time without ripping your hair out of your head.

It makes me smile when I find an article about responsible spending that admits many of the tactics used to lure in "conscious" consumers is simply green colored BS.

At the very end of this article, there is even some sound advice on how to become a more responsible consumer, including shopping locally and consuming less altogether.

(The Showbuzz)


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