Duracell Coppertop AA Alkaline Batteries (8 pk)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3140 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $5.00 + tax
Review: It's hard to review a bunch of batteries immediately after purchasing them since I don't really know how long they will last. Instead, how about a short history lesson?
It turns out, these small cylindrical electrochemical powerhouses may be the proof we need that religion and technology are more closely related than originally thought. Dating back to 200BC, battery technology may have come from Baghdad. Theories abound as to what the original Baghdad Batteries were used for. On the more practical end of things, they may have been used for electroplating gold onto silver. The other end of the spectrum suggests that they were used in acupuncture and for inducing religious experiences in people. You can read more about the science of the Baghdad Batteries here. (And if you really want to see something bizarre, check out this video of a guy who believes that technology such as battery power comes from aliens on Planet X)
Regardless of what you believe, I think it is interesting that battery power may have been used for religious experience as far back as 200BC. I purchased these Duracells for use in my new digital camera. An artistic/creative tool. Creative endeavors and conversation are the closest I seem to get to divinity anymore. Many batteries are used in remote controls for television. Another object of worship, if you will. Coincidence? I think not! The Discovery channel should give me a ten minute spot!
Back in reality, these batteries powered up my camera and were less than $1.50 per cell (coughcough7-elevencough). I can take pictures again and bring myself closer to purchasing a Flickr account. The next week or two will tell me how "Dura-" these cells are.
I'll also keep you updated on whether or not I have any religious experiences.
Rating: 3.75 / 5
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