Dean's Half & Half (16 oz.)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3140 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $1.59 + tax
Review: Milk is pretty gross if you think about it. Even if you don't factor in all of the horrible conditions so many cows are kept in to provide this stuff to you. Even if you forget that rbST is pumped into many cows causing illness, an increase in human diabetes and hypertension, infertility in cows and god knows what else. Even if you forget about modern chemicals in our food at all, we are drinking from a cow's teat. I like cows. Most of the time, they are friendly, oddly cute animals with very little care or concern for what goes on around them. As much as I like cows, I don't think I would ever get down and suckle one of their udders. Yet, that's what I do every time I drink a cup of coffee. Half & Half isn't even all milk. It is half milk and half butterfat skimmed off the top of raw milk.
It usually doesn't bother me, but tonight as I recover from being sick all weekend and sip a cup of coffee, it just makes my stomach turn. Yet, I can't drink coffee without it. Go figure.
Maybe next time I buy this stuff, I will update this review to be a bit more substantial. For now I'll give it a solid average rating.
Rating: 2.5 / 5
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