Campbell's Select Gold Label Roasted Red Pepper And Tomato Soup (18.3 oz)

Location Purchased: Dominick's / 3140 S. Ashland / Chicago, IL
Price: $2.55 + tax
Review: A soup with red pepper in it may not have been the best choice as a home remedy for a sore throat. Despite the scratchiness it left in my already raw esophagus, this soup is tastier than most... And there is only so much canned chicken base a person can stand. I needed something that at least mimicked a fresh taste. Damn the scratchy throat! What doesn't kill you makes you hurt a little bit, right?
Can anyone tell me, also, what the signifigance of packaging fresh soups in boxes is? Does the coated cardboard keep certain ingredients fresh? Is it a psychological game that companies play on consumers to make us think that we are getting something vastly different from canned soup counterparts? Whatever the phenomenon, I always seem drawn to soups in boxes. It's probably all in my head, but they often taste better to me as well.
This particular box o' soup has a natural sweetness from the red peppers which are still present in small chunk form. Underneath the initial sweet flavor, there lies the well known pasty Campbell's Tomato Soup flavor which quickly gives way to a lingering spiciness. Certainly better than most of the Campbell's canned soups I have tried in my day, but not quite good enough to live up to their age-old slogan. I'll give Campbell's Select Gold Label Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup one "Mm" though.
"Mm good."
Rating: 3 / 5
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