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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

2 Limes from Dominick's

Item Purchased: 2 Limes from Dominick's
Location Purchased: Dominick's / 1340 S. Canal St. / Chicago, IL
Price: $0.40 + tax

Review: When I go to the Dominick's over in my neighborhood, I sort of long for the produce at the Jewel by my old apartment. When I go to this Dominick's, rehabbed for the up-and-coming South Loop residents, however, I feel like Randall in the movie Clerks when he walks into the chain video store. The ceilings are high, the aisles are wide and the produce is lush and fresh. I'm not quite sure how they organize their produce in this store since I have seen lemons sitting next to onions, but they are both lush and fresh, so maybe Dominick's knows something about produce storage that we don't. The prices are right as well. I got these two huge limes for less than a pack of gum (and I'm not talking that cleans-your-teeth, no-sugar, helps-you-quit-smoking kind). The fruit's flesh was pushing up against the rind as if to say "juice me please!" That's a lime.

Rating: 4.5 / 5


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