Neosporin Antifungal Cream (0.5 oz. tube)

Location Purchased: Jewel / 1341 N. Paulina Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $6.49 + tax
Review: Don't get too close to your screen! I have ringworm!
The thing about ringworm is, it shouldn't be called "ringworm." It should be called "Mild Fungus That Has Nothing At All To Do With Actual Worms, Is Contagious, But Really Quite Harmless If Treated Properly With Over-The-Counter Creams And Medications," or "MFTHNAATDWAWICBRQHITPWOTCCAM." Why on earth did some doctor or lab technician decide to give this annoyance such a menacing name? Just hearing the word "ringworm" makes my skin crawl, yet looking down at the actual patch of ringworm on my upper arm, it looks like nothing more than a small sore.
Perhaps ringworm is given its name so people do think it is dangerous and immediately do something about it. From the research I've done online, it can get quite disgusting if not treated properly, so maybe the inclusion of "worm" is simply a scare tactic to stave off the spread of this unfortunate fungus.
Unfortunately, due to sick kittens and a weekend full of stress and mourning, I just happened to contract a spore or two.
Neosporin AF is commonly used to combat athlete's foot, but because it contains the chemical miconazole nitrate, is also useful as a front-line soldier against mild ringworm (MFTHNAATDWAWICBRQHITPWOTCCAM). In the few days that I have been using this cream on the two spots of ringworm on my body, one has almost disappeared completely, while the other persists, yet does not itch and is not getting any bigger. Considering the fact that it is supposed to take approximately four weeks for ringworm to show any signs of improvement, I'd say this tiny tube of Neosporin was well worth my $7.00.
So, if you have young animals or otherwise manage to contract MFTHNAATDWAWICBRQHITPWOTCCAM, please, treat it before it gets out of hand. Neosporin AF is a solid treatment.
Rating: 4.25 / 5
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