Marlboro Lights Cigarettes (Hardpack)

Location Purchased: Halsted Orange Line Station / Halsted St. & Archer Ave. / Chicago, IL
Price: $6.00 w/tax
Review: Why did I buy these things? Beyond the fact that smoking is bad for me anyways, these things taste like ground up pennies mixed with shredded newspapers from the frontier days all rolled up in lambskin that's been set aside to be dried and pressed into parchment.
I'll tell you why I bought them. Because my friend told me you could get $6.00 cigarettes at the L station at Halsted and Archer.
Guess what? Even if this pack of smokes cost two dollars less than my usual smokes, it's not worth it. I'd rather crawl to Kentucky on my knees for a pack of backwoods tree bark cigarettes than smoke Marlboro lights.
Rating: .05 / 5
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